About Me & A.T.Knives

Hello, my name is Louis and I've always had a fondness for knives. From my earliest memories, I recall sneaking off with my dad's favorite knife to explore the woods, much to his frustration. This early fascination with knives stayed with me through the years. As a teenager, I unfortunately fell into drug use and experienced a decade of struggles, including a period of homelessness. However, I eventually found sobriety and began exploring different hobbies. I tried collecting various items - backpacks, pens, fidget toys - but it was when I returned to knives that I felt a true sense of connection, reminiscent of my childhood and my father. This hobby led me to YouTube, where I discovered videos of knife reviews. Inspired, I started making my own videos, though work eventually interfered. During this time, I also began sketching knife designs, imagining what my ideal knife would look like after handling hundreds of different ones. Here, I present one of those designs, a true representation of my journey and passion.